Monday, January 5, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I did NOT let my 3 yr old son sleep until 11:30 a few days last week b/c he stayed up WAY too late the night before and then complain b/c he wouldn't go to bed that night.

I did NOT chase aforementioned 3 yr old through Golden Corral b/c he had to pee. MY children KNOW better than to run in a crowded Restaurant.

I did NOT forget to turn the washing machine ON after loading it with clothes AND detergent SEVERAL times over the last couple of weeks. I smart do you have to be to remember to PUSH THE START BUTTON?!!

I did NOT procrastinate taking down the CHRISTmas decorations and am NOT still looking at them. GOOD GRIEF!! It's 2009...WHY would ANYONE still have up their decorations?!!

I did NOT wanna shake a lady at the park b/c her lil girl pooed on the playground equipment and she just LEFT IT THERE!!

I did NOT purchase the stationery and envelopes to do a New Year letter (since I did NOT not send out CHRISTmas cards) and STILL haven't typed the first word of said letter. I mean...WHAT would I be waiting on...CHRISTMAS?!!!

Okay...your turn. If you would like to participate in "Not Me! Monday", please click on the button at the top of this post and follow the directions listed there.

Until next I type and YOU read!